To choose the course Hospital Administration is quite praise worthy.coz u get to know each and every department from front office to the floor level..sometimes its very difficult to co-ordinate the patient party, but patience is the best weapon, with a smile in your face..professional life is very different.
So for students the best option is to go into detail on the projects they are supposed to do in the hospitals .ie the training period. It can give you a brief picture of this industry.
How many of us really do the projects through guidance from the hospital trainer....The ans is - very few of us.,most of us download and submit our project,but the concept is zero.
So for students the best option is to go into detail on the projects they are supposed to do in the hospitals .ie the training period. It can give you a brief picture of this industry.
How many of us really do the projects through guidance from the hospital trainer....The ans is - very few of us.,most of us download and submit our project,but the concept is zero.